Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 10

Day 10- Finally made it out of the 6th ring of hell to a place with a solid internet connection. These are from Sunday & Monday I just didn't get them in due to poor internet. We are back at the Camford Royal School for the STEM Camp. It's were we started this whole thing in the first place before the great parent exodus. I woke up to this picture on Sunday. The girls went to the Renaissance Festival. I miss them so much and wish I could have been there. The dressed up for the occasion.

In travelling around on Sunday I used the camera and forgot to take the pictures off my phone. 
 This is a subway station covered in Pepsi ads. Sorry Coach Leek.
 So women in China wear shooter sleeves. The reason is to keep their skin from tanning so they keep a porcelain white color which is desirable.
 They are crazy for minions. This subway station had minions all over it. This reminds me of someone back home.

 So these are common housing units. It's not uncommon for "blocks" or areas that are called blocks to have a million plus people in them. This is a smaller one on the outskirts of Beijing.
 This is the gate to the 6th gate to hell known as the Camford Royal School.It used to be a resort turned into school. The people here are super nice but it looks good from afar but far from good. It's almost to the Ming Tombs in kind of no man's land. We are above the 6th ring road which is the farthest road outside the Beijing Area. It's a downgrade from where I was in the city.
 I have no idea what this used to be.
 The view from my room. I bet at one time this was very nice.
 Here is room. There is air conditioning so I can't complain too bad. The beds, as in all of China, are like laying on a piece of plywood.

The bathroom is not nice at all. It does the job but leaves some to be desired. The hot water heater is the tank and the shower hose barely stretches to the bath tub. The interesting part comes when you try to shampoo your hair. Inevitably, you get some water on the floor and that's when it gets scary. The tile floor is just like a slip and slide. When you get out of the tub you need 4 points of contact or you are going down. Brushing your teeth can also be just as treacherous. The best part is after you run the sink for more than a minute you get some sewer gas smell. Chinese sewer gas smells a tad different than back home. It ha a more acrid tinge to it. Very distinctive. 

 So here are the pics of the campus. It reminds me of Lost. I fully expect to find the Hydra and Gin and Sawyer will come around the corner. This place just has that weird feel to it.
 I liked the sign.
 So this is near the dorm and the pool.
 This is by the tennis/basketball court. No idea about the tower. Maybe I will try to get into next week to find a Dharma station.
This would be the east side of campus. I need to explore that building as well. 
This is the Roborobo STEM camp banner. 

 Monday was the toughest day for me. I was not able to get on wifi and the cell phone signal was not good in my room. I was panicking because I used it to talk with Kara and the girls. Without it I would have not lasted the week. Luckily, Zoe, our handler, for lack of better terms, got a wifi extender and I got wifi in my room. Not that the signal or internet connectivity is good but at least it's enough to talk to my family.
 These are of the classroom. I will never ever complain about anything at my school again. We are most fortunate in the US. Keep in mind this is a private school I am at.
 The view into the courtyard is nice. I guess the mosquitoes are bad for everyone. I have only had 1 bug bite all week.
 Group building
 Making salt dough was a hit for them. They don't get to make a lot of things in school so they loved making and then playing with it.

 The reason they have lab coats, gloves and goggles on is the parents would flip out if they got hurt or dirty. IT's a huge deal here even though this isn't a big deal.

This is my week 2 crew. The normal thing about Monday was the best part of my day was being with the kids and they made my poor attitude better. 

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