Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 17

Day 17
Just an other manic Monday. It actually was pretty calm. I woke up. Did my chore of showering and shaving. I wish I could bottle the smell I get after I turn the water off. I am not sure who plumbed this place but they need a lesson. I got a new crew of 7 boys for class. We are making ice cream again this week. Lunch was a new adventure. I think I finally had intestine.
My exploration of the campus still continues. I try not to stray from my usual path but curiosity is getting the better of me. They have basketball and tennis courts. They had a big camp of music/drama/art? here using it.
I have been looking for the way into the hatch through this mural.
Again it's very beautiful on the outside.
This is the front side of the corn field. 
We made wallets in class. Last week, we had a kid lose some money so I thought it might be handy. One kid made a red envelope. It is a gift they give.
My trip to China has been made. This guy is outside the gates all the time. He runs the little red taxi. We finally had opportunity to take a ride with him. It's electric and has a fold down jump seat. That's Amy, she is the other teacher we are here with.

It was a ton of fun. We hopped on the subway and went south 3 or 4 stops to the nearest civilization. We found a little chain restaurant with bread and soup dumplings.
I finally had my first chopstick malfunction. Soup dumpling dropped on the floor. It sucked because it was hot and very delicious.
So I knocked another thing off my I need to go list. This is Wumart not to be confused with Walmart. It's the equivalent of Google to Baidu. This was a small one. I believe Wumart has better fruit than Walmart.

I saw these when I was looking for milk, which I did not find. It reminded me of Indi and Winter's love of Ramen. These were fresh and refrigerated.
I was able to buy a bag to add to my grocery bag collection. If you want any type of bag at a store you have to buy it. Plastic bags cost a 1RMB and this cost me 2RMB. 6RMB equals one dollar. 
When we got back to camp, Party Rock was happening. This is the music camps' celebration. The DJ and lights looked fun and cool. They played all American music. Lots of Bruno Mars.

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